转载: http://scikit-learn.sourceforge.net/dev/auto_examples/cluster/plot_cluster_comparison.html Comparing different clustering algorithms on toy datasets This example aims at showing characteristics of different clustering algorithms on dataset…
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed May 16 11:36:04 2001) 这是SA解决TSP问题的程序。 function out tsp(loc) % TSP Traveling salesman problem (TSP) using SA (simulated annealing). % TSP by itself will generate 20 cities within a unit cube and % then use SA to slove …
Matlab - Plot in plot(图中画图) 这是在MATLAB中创建一个嵌入式图形的示例,可以在另一个图形中显示。 与MATLAB中的“axes”函数相关。 Coding
% Create data
t linspace(0,2*pi);
t(1) eps;
y sin(t);% Place axes at (0.1,0.1) with w…